The assignment talks about Crisis Management Report-Sirus Education Services. So, you expected to prepare a budget report of 10 pages, double-spaced, exclusive of charts, graphs or diagrams. The report should be written in a management style that would be submitted to the head of the agency or non-profit for his/her review.

Crisis Management Report-Sirus Education Services

Crisis Management Report.  So, as a Management and Budget Analyst, you have the responsibility of presenting budget information to the head of a government agency or non-profit on an ongoing basis. While you have already presented a budget that  aligned to the agency or non- profit’s vision, mission, strategic objectives, and goals, an unforeseen crisis occurs which will have a major impact on the budget. So, as a result of this crisis, you will have to restate the budget, taking into account the impact and severity of the crisis. Provide a management report to the head on the agency or non-profit about the impact of this crisis on the budget.  With recommendations on how to adjust the budget accordingly, while still supporting the achievement of the agency’s or non- profit’s goals.

Crisis Management Report-Sirus Education Services

You are expected to prepare a budget report of 10 pages, double-spaced, exclusive of charts, graphs or diagrams.Also, the report should be written in a management style that would be submitted to the head of the agency or non-profit for his/her review. 1. Identify the name of the newly created organization (government agency or non-profit). Also,  Sirius Education Services 2. Briefly describe what the agency does (core activities it engages in to serve the public) Charter Management Company and education services provider.

3. Size and structure of the organization (approximations will suffice) 4. Also, how the organization is funded (example: Federal, state and/or local government funding; donations from corporate, foundations, and/or individuals) 5. So, details about the crisis affecting the organization. (Closing of charter schools due to poor performance, public outcry, or state moratorium). 6. Budget implications for the organization in light of the crisis. (Loss of revenue and not able to meet comapny growth model).

Detailed Instructions


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