The assignment focuses on Creating Art Cards for the Museum. Also, there is a description of Entrance to the Grand Canal, Venice. So, demonstrate a busy town.

Creating Art Cards for the Museum – Entrance to the Grand Canal, Venice

Now you will expand on the two objects treated in the catalog entry exercise. You will look again at your object, find comparative material and research the culture and history of the people who made the object. You will write separate essays for each of your two objects. Follow the template below for each object, holding generally to the word counts for each section. You may use revised passages from your earlier essays when appropriate. Cite your sources in-text and in your Works Cited section using the Chicago Author-Date style [use this pdf if link is broken].Object Title. Your name and ID Subject Put the object in an object type (portrait painting, monumental sculpture of the ruler, palace wall panel, etc.landscape painting, abstract composition, etc.). Include a description of the basic subject matter. 200-300 words.

Creating Art Cards for the Museum – Entrance to the Grand Canal, Venice

Critical Point(s) Very short statement(s) on the most characteristic aspect(s)–no more than two– of the piece. 20-30 words. Style Here place a vivid description of the object, as well as a formal analysis leading to the characterization of the work’s style. This should be a revision of Essay #1. You may want to use other pieces in the collection for comparative purposes. 150-200 words. Culture

Creating Art Cards for the Museum – Entrance to the Grand Canal, Venice

Identify the people who made the piece – where they lived, in what type of social organization, etc, then focus on what this piece meant to the people who made it. Use your research conducted in the MFAH and UH libraries. You may want to use other pieces in the collection for comparative purposes. Make sure to cite your sources. Approximately 700 words.Works Cited.

Creating Art Cards for the Museum – Entrance to the Grand Canal, Venice

Use Chicago Manual of Style Author-Date style (see link in instructions).The Entrance to the Grand Canal, Venice, presents an excellent view that is attractive to the public. On balance, it implies the presence and nature of life in the eighteenth century. Particularly, when one looks at the painting, a landscape of buildings and boats demonstrate a busy town. The artist Canaletto depicts how many aspects are portrayed to realize real-life scenarios. The Entrance to the Grand Canal, Venice, in turn, shows a clear blue sky whose color further implements the business that is being undertaken below. Moreover, Canaletto was successful in bringing the light and life of the piece to capture the detailed records of the canals that were used to visit different places.

Detailed Instructions


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