The assignment focuses on Thompson and Thompsom(2008)-CPD and professional supervision. Also, write a critical reflection (1500) examining some of the following areas.

Thompson and Thompson(2008)-CPD and professional supervision

Description of Task: Firstly, there are two parts to this reflective essay: Firstly, reflect on your own practice as a supervisor, critically evaluating the usefulness of at least three of the mechanisms referred to-CPD and professional supervision. You will demonstrate that you assessed the situation, made a decision about the nature and purpose of the required intervention or interaction, selected a mechanism, and evaluated its usefulness (1500) Secondly, write a critical reflection (1500) examining some of the following areas. Consider which are most relevant to your experience as a supervisor. Firstly, the aims and objectives of the supervision relationship. Secondly, the role of reflective practice in CPD and professional supervision. Thirdly, challenges and areas of difficulty in supervision and you overcame these.

Thompson and Thompson (2008)-CPD and professional supervision

Fourthly, organisational issues that act as barriers or incentives for learning through supervision. Fifthly, supervision techniques. Sixthly, evidence of your own planning, assessment and decision-making during your supervision practice. Seventh, he link between supervision, reflexivity and safeguarding young people. Thompson and Thompsom(2008)-CPD and professional supervision. Finally, the link between supervision, reflexivity and anti-oppressive practice. Additionally, The workbook should written in the first person. Also, you are not required to give an introduction and conclusion. Also, you required to link to the National Occupational standards for Youth work (LSIS, 2012) you should include relevant theoretical ideas. Required to evidence a minimum of three supervision sessions that they have facilitated (as an appendix). These must anonymised’. A barrier is something that makes something difficult or impossible

Detailed Instructions


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