The assignment deals with Corporate Social Responsibility- Sustainable Management Principles. Basically, there are 2 textbooks need to be used in each section of the HW.

 Corporate Social Responsibility: Readings and Cases in a Global Context, 2nd Edition.Also,read Sustainable Management Principles, C. Charles Dunlap.

Corporate Social Responsibility- Sustainable Management Principles

Basically, there are 2 textbooks need to be used in each section of the HW.

 Corporate Social Responsibility: Readings and Cases in a Global Context, 2nd Edition.

Sustainable Management Principles, C. Charles Dunlap



So,read 1 Chapter 8 Study Questions 1-5, page 356

HSBC: Banking on CSR Study Questions 1-5, page 397

Also, Corporate Social Responsibility: Readings and Cases in a Global Context, 2nd Edition

Secondly, Sustainable Management Principles, Critical Thinking Questions 1-4, Page 111

Sustainable Management Principles, C. Charles Dunlap

Grading Criteria 

Answers to ALL questions must include and incorporate references and page numbers from the chapter readings and or real-life examples from referenced Case Studies from the Text.

Also, include the questions with your answers.

Homework is graded on a weekly basis and must be submitted on time into NYU Classes for grading. No emailed or late submission will be accepted. 


1 Chapter 9 Study Questions 1-5, page 407

Thus, Include references and page numbers from the Text for every question

Corporate Social Responsibility: Readings and Cases in a Global Context, 2nd Edition

 Corporate Social Responsibility- Sustainable Management Principles

Also,Please provide an overview of the reading and your viewpoint of Hybrid Ventures ( Secondary sources can be used)

So, Include references and page numbers from the Text

Sustainable Management Principles: Strategic Responses to Hybrid Ventures by Matthew Lee and Jason Jay

Sustainable Management Principles: 2017, C. Charles Dunlap

 Grading Criteria 

Answers to ALL questions must include and incorporate references and page numbers from the chapter readings and or real-life examples from referenced Case Studies from the Text.

Also, include the questions with your answers.

So, Homework is graded on a weekly basis and must be submitted on time into NYU Classes for grading. Lastly,  No emailed or late submission will be accepted.

Detailed Instructions

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