The assignment talks about ITM537 MOD3corporate governance- information systems security. In this case, you will review the principles of IT governance and information security governance using practical and regulatory perspectives.

ITM537 MOD3corporate governance- information systems security


IT corporate governance is used for enterprise risk management and best management practices. These governance policies and procedures enable the firms to institute best practices as well as be held accountable. In this case, you will review the principles of IT governance and information security governance using practical and regulatory perspectives. First review this ISACA report. ISACA (2012).Then,  COBIT Framework for IT Governance and Control. Available at Assignment: Use the COBIT5/CMMI Pathway Tool to determine the Practice areas in which to include security in the governance framework and discuss the maturity level as well.

ITM537 MOD3corporate governance- information systems security

You can develop a table to help with this paper. Why should organizations incorporate security into their governance efforts? Address the following issues: Security governance principles IT governance stakeholders IT governance justification to managers Role of IT security professionals in terms of governance.Perhaps one of the most important principles of corporate governance is the recognition of shareholders. Also, the recognition is two-fold. First, there is the basic recognition of the importance of shareholders to any company – people who buy the company’s stock fund its operations. Besides, Equity is one of the major sources of funding for businesses. Second, from the basic recognition of shareholder importance follows the principle of responsibility to shareholders.


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