The assignment discusses Controversy of the New Deal and Texas. Also, there is a description of During the Great Depression. So, special focus needs to be given to minorities.

Controversy of the New Deal and Texas-During the Great Depression

The Controversy of the New Deal and Texas during the Great Depression.  Explain the successes and limitations of the New Deal in regards to the economic and social recovery of Texas during the Great Depression. Special focus needs to be given to minorities and these groups were affected by the policies of the federal government. Expectations: 1) The student needs to explain the ideology of the New Deal and demonstrate thorough understanding of key pieces of legislation passed by FDR’s administration and how this affected Texans during the Great Depression.

Controversy of the New Deal and Texas-During the Great Depression

2) Incorporate a minimum of three historical documents from the course content, such as the New Deal Reader. 3) Analyze historical debate of the effectiveness of the New Deal. 3) Use only course content material (going on the web and using unauthorized sources will result in a significant decrease in a student’s grade). 4) Body paragraphs must contain examples of documented evidence using proper APA/MLA in-text parenthetical citation format (footnotes are acceptable).

Controversy of the New Deal and Texas-During the Great Depression

In his first inaugural address, United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt, made some attempt to assess the enormous damage: “The withered leaves of industrial enterprise lie on every side; farmers find no markets for their produce; the savings of many years in thousands of families are gone. More important, a host of unemployed citizens face the grim problem of existence, and an equally great number toil with little return.” He was speaking of the Great Depression of 1929 to 1940, which began and centered in the United States but spread quickly throughout the industrial world. Despite describing the Great Depression with grim words, this economic catastrophe and its impact defied description. The United States had never felt such a severe blow to its economy. President Roosevelt’s New Deal reshaped the economy and structure of the United States, however, in order to end the poverty during the crisis.

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