This assignment entails Comparing and contrasting the real self versus the ideal self. So, students must demonstrate an understanding of the main theories in consumer behavior(hierarchy of needs, group influence, perception and self-image

Comparing and contrasting the real self versus the ideal self

The coursework comprises of a 1000-word individual essay on the below.

Compare and contrast the real self versus the ideal s????The essay should discuss both types for any ONE or both of the following product categories, discuss which self is likely to be used as a reference point and the individual decision-making process when the purchase decision is being considered:

·               Food products (vegan food products)(three example )

Content of Assignment:

  Title page

·         Content

·         Introduction (max 150 words) (what report will do, highlight what is vegan(two to three sentences). Then, discuss real/ideal come up in vegan industry)

Comparing and contrasting the real self versus the ideal self

·    f  Main Body(may need picture to support the evidence ) (max 750 words) (definition of real and ideal(both write two to three sentences). Then, compare example one product(McDonald’s). Also, compare ideal or self by the video or company website +why is ideal,self or both (not own opinion ,need evidence + Argument. Besides, focus on discussion section to find out justifications for your argument). Also, how does the image consider consumer decision making process(ideal or self or both) +Theories)(Example 2(Ed’s Diner)….)( Example 3(TGI Fridays)….). So, if there have two product in the same self ,then write self first and DMPat final )

Assessment Information

 This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:

 Students must:

1.Demonstrate an understanding of the main theories in consumer behavior(hierarchy of needs, group influence, perception,self-image etc.) and also, how these can be applied in marketing endeavors.

2.   Understand the psychological underpinnings of consumer behaviour.

3. Besides, produce a critical analysis of a contemporary issue in consumer behaviour.

Detailed Instructions


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