This UJUUJU-30-2Public International Law assignment focuses on the analysis of Consequences of unilateral acts. Critically examine the exercise of the active and passive personality jurisdiction by States and the consequences of adopting a wide interpretation of it.

UJUUJU-30-2Public International Law – Consequences of unilateral acts

Assessment Brief – Portfolio – Element 1




Module Title: Public International Law       


Submission Deadline: 1


Assessment Component: A – Element 1


Assessment Weighting: 15 per cent of total module mark; The two best results count towards


N.B. all times are 24-hour clock, current local time (at time of submission) in the UK

Assessment Instructions


You are required to submit ALLTHREE sub-elements as part of Element 1 in Component A.


Sub-element 1: Write the introduction (see Workbook 1 for further instructions) to the following essay question:


  • What is the general concept and what are the consequences of unilateral acts?




Sub-element 2: Write a structure (see Workbook 2 for further instructions) to the following essay question:


  • Do you agree, and if yes, to which extent, that, given the proliferation of non-State actors and the important role they play in international affairs, non-State actors should become subjects of international law.

 30-2Public International Law – Consequences of unilateral acts






Sub-element 3: Produce a bibliography (see Workbook 3 for further instructions) to the following essay question:


  • Critically examine the exercise of the active and passive personality jurisdiction by States and the consequences of adopting a wide interpretation of it.


You are required to:


  1. write a 150-word introduction;


  1. Then, write a 600-word structure;


  1. Also, write a bibliography (no word limit).


Marking Criteria


The marking criteria are:


Firstly, your knowledge of the law;

Secondly, your knowledge and understanding of the relevant concepts;


Thirdly, your ability to identify refer to relevant primary and secondary sources of law to support your statements;

Fourthly, your ability to explain the law in a clear and structured manner.


Formative feedback and support during the module


Formative feedback is provided in the synchronous activities (orally and this is general feedback) as well as in the asynchronous activities (in writing and this can be specific or general feedback).


Lastly, further information about this assessment is available on the Blackboard site  for this module and includes the Module Handbook.

Detailed Instructions



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