The assignment focuses on CONCEPTUALIZING AND OPERATIONALIZING VARIABLES-Census Bureau’s report.Therefore, the essay should include the following subheadings: Definitions Conceptualizes race Operationalizes race Census Bureau changes How changes to variables affect conclusions


CONCEPTUALIZING AND OPERATIONALIZING VARIABLES. The essay should include the following subheadings: Definitions Conceptualizes race Operationalizes race Census Bureau changes How changes to variables affect conclusions Reflection INSTRUCTIONS: Make sure to follow the directions in order. First, provide a definition of the terms: “conceptual definition” and “operational definition”. Next, conceptualize and operationalize the variable “race.” Read the Census Bureau’s report on race at:

Census Bureau’s report

Operationalization defines the exact measuring method used, and allows other scientists to follow exactly the same methodology. One example of the dangers of non-operationalization is the failure of the Mars Climate Orbiter. This expensive satellite was lost, somewhere above Mars, and the mission completely failed. Subsequent investigation found that the engineers at the sub-contractor, Lockheed, had used imperial units instead of metric units of force.Briefly stated, conceptualization is the process of specifying what is meant by a term. It involves taking portions of an abstract theory and translating them into testable hypotheses involving specific elements.Also, think about the case of poverty.Besides, Poverty is the basis of a substantial volume of social science research. But researchers must create a specific conceptualization of the term poverty.

Census Bureau’s report

Answer the following questions after reading the report: What changes did the Bureau make to the conceptualization and operationalization of race in the 2010 census? Why did the Bureau make these changes? Could the difference in operationalization produce different conclusions about race? Does the Bureau’s CONCEPTUALIZING AND OPERATIONALIZING of race coincide with yours? If so, how? If not, what is different?

Detailed Instructions


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