The assignment focuses on Concepts of cultural awareness. Also, there is a description on the importance of maternity care providers. So, you are required to explain the differences between the concept of , ‘cultural sensitively’ and ‘cultural security’.

Concepts of cultural awareness -importance of maternity care providers

Firstly, explain the differences between the concept of , ‘ cultural sensitively’, ‘cultural safety’. Secondly, Leading to ‘cultural security’ and the importance of this within midwifery practice. Also, the first article explores the scope of cultural awareness, cultural sensitivity, cultural safety leading to cultural security. Coffin, J. (2007) Rising to the Challenge in Aboriginal Health by creating Security. Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal 31(3):22-24 Then read, the following article discussing the application of Coffin’s theories applied to Australian maternity settings: Phiri, J., Dietsch, E. & Bonner, A. (2010) safety and its importance for Australian Midwifery practice. Collegian 17(3):105-11. DOI: 10.1016/j.colegn.2009.11.001

Concepts of cultural awareness -importance of maternity care providers

More extensive research will required to address this assignment appropriately. After reading the above articles and other literature. Explain the differences between the concept of cultural awareness. ‘cultural sensitively’, ‘cultural safety’ leading to ‘cultural security’. Also, the importance of this within midwifery practice. Discuss and provide rationale of importance of maternity care providers. Demonstrating that they are progressing through the different levels [as described by Coffin (2007)] of cultural awareness, cultural sensitivity, cultural safety leading to cultural security Choosing a specific midwifery example (i.e. provision of antenatal care), develop a concise and clear plan that applies the concepts discussed by Coffin (2007) to enable a maternity service to demonstrate transitioning from cultural awareness through the different levels to cultural security (as described by Coffin (2007).

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