Please this assignment requires someone that must have read this book: ” Comprehensive Christian Counseling – Christian Counseling a Comprehensive Guide, by Gary R. Collins. ” The book needs to be summarized into 15 pages, not including cover page and references
More about this task:
The assignment will encompass the major arguments of the book, identifying the rationale for the topics discussed in Comprehensive Christian Counseling Book . Comprehensive Christian Counseling – Christian Counseling a Comprehensive Guide, by Gary R. Collins has 9 parts that have various topics and subtopics respectively. Those parts will be used to draw arguments and present a systematic summary from part 1 to 9 respectively. The discussion will focus on capturing the ideas such as the aspects that surround counseling such as the changes, counselor, church, community, core, and multicultural issues, legal, ethical, and moral issues respectively. It is imperative to discuss prominent, developmental, interpersonal, identity, family, control, concluding, and future issues. The above issues will help organize the ideas hence making the summary as required.