Lo 9: compose appropriate menu plans for young children, including cost-effectiveness and food safety issues as well as being culturally sensitive to childrens differing food experiences, including menu plan alternatives for children with special needs (e.g. food allergies and physical limitations).
The objective of this paper is to demonstrate your understanding of the course objectives that were presented over the past 7 weeks.
For this Final Reflection Paper, you will write a 4 page paper and include the following information: (Include each area listed below 1-4)
1. Start with an introduction paragraph explaining the purpose of the paper.
2. Then choose 3 of the Course Learning Objectives (LOs) (see list below) and explain what you learned about the concepts and how you will use this new information in your work with children and families. Include enough information that anyone reading your paper would have a good understanding of the concepts.
You can include information from the textbook, the lectures and videos, and the discussions and assignments that made the information easier for you to understand. If you use direct quotes or information make sure to cite your sources. You must include some direct citations from the textbook or lectures to support your responses. Do not do additional research use the course resources in other words DO NOT Google it Only share what you learned from our class!
3. Then choose 1 of the Objectives that you would like to continue to learn more about and explain why.
4. Finish with a concluding paragraph where you will share your overall learning experience in this course.
Choose from these Course Learning Objectives ( 3 that you will explain in detail and 1 that you want to continue to learn more about)
LO 1: Identify how the concepts of health, safety, and nutrition are interrelated and formulate ways to collaborate with families and communities to shape childrens future.
LO 2: Differentiate between typical and atypical child growth and development then analyze possible health, environment, or nutritional factors for the atypical development.
LO 3: Formulate reasons for conducting health appraisals by evaluating assessment tools and demonstrate how to conduct a variety of health appraisals.
LO 4: Demonstrate the use of Universal Safety Precautions in preventing the spread of communicable illnesses common to children and explain how to manage each of these conditions.
LO 5: Examine the different challenges that can affect childrens health, including but not limited to, child maltreatment, special learning needs, medical needs, and psychosocial needs.
LO 6: Develop plans for setting up a safe environment for young children and analyze safety management and accident prevention techniques for young children, including basic Pediatric First Aid and CPR techniques.
LO 7: Describe different types of child maltreatment including possible causes of maltreatment, intervention techniques for families at risk for maltreatment, and examine California Mandated Reporting Laws regarding child maltreatment as they apply to employees of licensed childcare facilities.
LO 8: Evaluate the nutritional guidelines and the role of nutrients necessary for optimal child growth and development, analyze typical infant, toddler, and preschool nutritional needs and practices, and describe licensing requirements for feeding these children in facility care.
LO 9: Compose appropriate menu plans for young children, including cost-effectiveness and food safety issues as well as being culturally sensitive to childrens differing food experiences, including menu plan alternatives for children with special needs (e.g. food allergies and physical limitations).
LO 10: Prepare a variety of appropriate activities for young children to increase their knowledge of health, safety, and nutrition.
LO 11: Evaluate techniques to encourage parent participation in creating healthy, nutritious, and safe environments for young children.