The assignment focuses on Competition enforcement essay. There is also a description on empowering the competition authorities.
Competition enforcement essay-empowering the competition authorities
“Directive (EU) 2019/1. Firstly, empowering the competition authorities of the Member States to be more effective enforcers. Secondly, decisive step towards the creation of a single public competition enforcement procedure for all competition authorities in the EU, both Member State competition authorities and the European Commission itself.” Critically discuss.
3500 words excluding the footnotes and bibliography
Competition enforcement essay-empowering the competition authorities
Firstly, national competition authorities (NCAs) have boosted the enforcement of EU competition. However, each year losses of €181-320 billion accrue because of undiscovered cartels. Secondly, which increase prices by between 17 % and 30 % on average. In March 2017, the Commission proposed a new directive. To ensure that all NCAs have effective investigation and decision-making tools. Could impose deterrent fines, and have well-designed leniency programmes and enough resources to enforce EU competition rules independently.
Competition enforcement essay-empowering the competition authorities
On 30 May 2018, Parliament and Council reached an agreement on the proposal in trilogue. It increases the independence, resources and powers of NCAs and envisages more harmonisation of the national leniency programmes and reduced burdens on undertakings.
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