This Literary analysis essay entails comparing Renaissance poems. So, select something that appears in three poems from three different periods: the English Renaissance, the Romantic period, and the Harlem Renaissance.

Comparing Renaissance poems-Literary analysis essay


For this paper, write an essay in which you describe an image and tell us something about what you think this image means. Select something that appears in three poems from three different periods: the English Renaissance, the Romantic period, and the Harlem Renaissance. Then, Compare the use of this imagery in the three different. Since we will be reading Renaissance poems first, you might want to begin with one of the Renaissance poems. Select an image from one of the poems, something that intrigues you or puzzles you. Describe the image and tell us what makes this image so interesting.

 Comparing Renaissance poems-Literary analysis essay

Now find an image that is similar in one of the Romantic poems and in one of the Harlem Renaissance poems. Compare the use of this image in all three poems. Does the meaning of this image stay the same in all three poems? Or do you think the poets are using this image to say different things? How does the meaning of this image shift from one poetic context to another? Are there any larger patterns that intrigue you? What might the use of this image suggest about the cultures in which the poets lived? Support your analysis using quoted examples from the text. All citations should be cited in MLA format. 



Printed proposals due in class – February 27

For this stage of the assignment, select one Renaissance poem that you would like to discuss for your essay. Identify one interesting image that you hope to explore in your essay and describe it in 2 or 3 sentences.

 Detailed Instructions


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