The assignment focuses on Strategic Plan Evaluation. Also, there is a description of comparing the commonalities between the institutions’ plans. So, you are required to create a chart that records and illustrates how each university addresses plans for persistence, retention, and graduation.
Strategic Plan Evaluation-compare the commonalities between the institutions’ plans
File: A Practical Guide to Strategic Enrollment Management Planning (in Course Documents) Link: Back to the Present: Strategic Enrollment Planning for the Coming Demographic Change Minimum of three university strategic plans File (xlsx): Written Assignment Grading Rubric (in Course Documents) Introduction. Firstly, while the mission statement is the structure under which a university functions, the strategic plan is a long-term vision for where the institution is going. It accomplishes this task by creating a plan or roadmap for this vision. Secondly, a strategic plan driven by the university’s desire to continuously improve. Thirdly, an effective strategic plan accomplished through thoughtful commitment and planning, vision for the future, and institutional analysis. Institutions often conduct analysis on their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, or SWOT analysis. Also, this planning leads to goals and strategies that must initiated in order to achieve the vision.
Strategic Plan Evaluation-compare the commonalities between the institutions’ plans
Fourthly, a strategic plan requires collaborative effort among campus administrators to proactively progress their institution forward through careful and intentional planning. Activity Instructions Research three to four different (public, private, two-year, four-year, for-profit, etc.) university websites for the institution’s strategic plan. Also, create a chart that records and illustrates how each university addresses plans for persistence, retention, and graduation. Be sure to include links to the strategic plans in your chart. In a narrative, compare and contrast the commonalities and differences between the institutions’ plans for persistence, retention, and graduation. Which do you believe are the most effective plans? Why?
Detailed Instructions
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