This assignment focuses on Company Risks and Liabilities. There is as well a description of Policies and Procedures Regulation. You will identify and explain 3 different specific situations that could create negligence risks/liabilities for Clean in its public facility.

Company Risks and Liabilities – Policies and Procedures Regulation

Description. Ensure you read and understand the instructions before you start writing, you will need so do some reading to from my textbook and the other sources in the instruction to support your argument. No EXTERNAL sources, you are only allowed to use the sources listed in the instruction. First you will read the background story for the Clean Company to answer questions .So,  you will identify and explain 3 different specific situations that could create negligence risks/liabilities for Clean in its public facility. Also, develop and explain policies and/or procedures.  Clean could implement to prevent or minimize the negligence risk/liability for each situation discussed.

Company Risks and Liabilities – Policies and Procedures Regulation

Pay close attention on the example provided in the instruction on how to do your in-text citation when referencing my saylor text book, (Government Regulation and the Legal Environment of Business, 2012. Chapter 3. Section 3.2 Motions and Discovery, para. 7). in your intext-citation you will include the name of the book, the chapter number, the section number and the paragraph number. So, this is a very important step. When referencing the online websites includes the author’s name and the paragraph number. So,  If you have any questions please let me know, when answering the question get straight to the point and don’t have a long run on sentence explanation.

Detailed Instructions


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