This assignment focuses on Communications Audit. On the other hand, it explores Basis for a future PR Plan. Through secondary research, develop a STAKEHOLDERS MAP of LIDL UK/GB

Communications Audit assignment-Basis for a future PR Plan

Assignment: This task is worth 60% of the overall grade. It consists on a written assessment testing students’ understanding, knowledge and application of the materials and information covered during the course. Deadline and submission: Your assignment must be submitted on Turnitin before 23:59 on May 10, 2020. Word count: 1.500 – 2.000 words (references not included). Description and context of the task: Communications Audit (Basis for a future PR Plan). The GB division of LIDL (the German retailer) has a Marketing Department since the beginning of its operations in the region. It is in charge of all Marketing Communications within the British market (TV commercials, Social Media ads, sales promotions…). But the company DOES NOT have a Communications Department in charge of Public Relations and Corporate Communications. Currently, it wants to create this new department (from scratch) and it has appointed you as PR Manager.

Communications Audit assignment-Basis for a future PR Plan

Therefore, you need to conceptualize a COMMUNICATIONS AUDIT that, when executed, would be the basis for a future PR Plan of LIDL UK/GB. Outcomes of the task a. Through secondary research, develop a STAKEHOLDERS MAP of LIDL UK/GB. It needs to include all relevant internal and external stakeholders. b. Define and justify which RESEARCH METHODS (of primary research) you would apply in order to approach the different (relevant) stakeholders. c. For each stakeholder approached in b), explain which insights (what kind of information) would you intend to get through your primary research, and justify the appropriateness of each chosen research technique.

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