This assignment focuses on Communication in a Procurement Profession. There is also a description of negotiation and creative thinking in order increase the value of a buyer/supplier relationship.

Communication in a Procurement Profession-negotiation and creative thinking

A report about how procurement professionals can use information and communication.  Specifically negotiation and creative thinking in order increase the value of a buyer/supplier relationship and make sure product is delivered on time. So, there would be one paragraph about negotiation skills and one paragraph about creative thinking/active listening. The report is also to be investigative by using trade journals posted after july 31 2019, magazine articles posted after july 31 2019.  And reliable newspaper articles posted after October 31 2019. It should be about 500 words for an intro.  500 words per communication skill and I don’t need a conclusion.

Communication in a Procurement Profession-negotiation and creative thinking

It all boils down to the simple fact that with proper communication between stakeholders and external suppliers. More creative ideas can be brought to the table, thus improving the process. If people from different points of the process are able give ideas for improvements based on firsthand experience. It stands to reason that this will made for a much better managed process. If communication  limited, so is the ability of the procurement department to influence the end to end procurement process.Then it comes to the communication method itself, you should assess. Which method best suits the situation and will deliver the optimum results for supply chain success.

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