The assignment talks about Client Care Skills-Bolkiah v. KPMG (1999). Critically assess whether the law relating to confidentiality has now become outdated and needs to be abolished.

Client Care Skills-Bolkiah v. KPMG (1999)

Assessment task details and instructions. You should address the following question: – In Bolkiah v. KPMG (1999), Lord Millett stated that: – “It is of overriding importance for the proper administration of justice that a client should be able to have complete confidence that what he tells his lawyer will remain secret. This is a matter of perception as well as substance. So, it is of the highest importance to the administration of justice that a solicitor or other person in possession of confidential and privileged information should not act in any way that might appear to put that information at risk of coming into the hands of someone with an adverse interest”. Critically assess whether the law relating to confidentiality has now become outdated and needs to be abolished. Please note that higher marks are awarded for depth of analysis.

Client Care Skills-Bolkiah v. KPMG (1999)

You will need to consider the historical basis of the rule the current law with any relevant case law and whether the law maintains the correct balance between lawyer and client. There is no right or wrong answer. It is the quality of your analysis which will generate the higher marks. An excellent understanding of a complex body of knowledge  demonstrated and the ability to use such knowledge with excellent critical analysis skills in evidence. So, must show a very good grasp of recent research findings and demonstrate a maturity in critically evaluating concepts and abstract principles. Must also show originality in addressing business problems. *I have also added a previous students’ work to assist with the guideline of how this essay should be written. Not to be copied but to follow a similar format. ALL REFERENCES SHOULD BE OF UK ORIGIN.

Detailed Instructions


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