This assignment asks whether Are Children from Divorced Single-Parent Families Disadvantaged. You will submit a presentation of about 7–10 slides, accompanied by audio 10–12 minutes in length ill include the audio.

Are Children from Divorced Single-Parent Families Disadvantaged

Are Children from Divorced Single-Parent Families Disadvantaged?”. For this week’s assignment, you will submit a presentation of about 7–10 slides. Also,  accompanied by audio 10–12 minutes in length ill include the audio.  How you create the presentation and audio accompaniment are up to you. Today’s technology offers many options. The simplest, however, may be to create the presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint.  As well as  the audio accompaniment using the recording function within PowerPoint.

Also, see the Student Resource Center located in Course Resources for more information.  Regarding platforms for recording presentations. Conceptually, your presentation  a high-level, interactive version of your Case Study that you have been working on for the last several weeks. The goal of your presentation is to both inform the audience.  Then,  persuade them of your point of view regarding your selected case study issue. So, here is a sample organizational structure for a presentation based on a persuasive format.

Are Children from Divorced Single-Parent Families Disadvantaged

First Slide: Title—Your Name, Topic, Course, and Date Second Slide.  Introduction. In the introduction, you might discuss why you chose your topic and why you think it is important. Third Slide: Thesis—Provide your thesis and call to action. Fourth Slide: Background/Context. Provide background information on your topic to give your audience context. Fifth—Seventh Slide. Reasoning Convince your audience that out of all the possible solutions, yours isthe best. Also, Show how the world will  a better place as a result of implementing your solution. Conclusion Slide. Also,  provide a recap of your argument and final call to action. Reference Slide.

Also, remember to include references for all cited material and images used. Presentations must include the following elements. Thesis Statement Clear and Distinguishable Main Points With Developed Analysis. Examples of Research With Documented Sources in APA Format.  Images and/or Multimedia With APA Citations. Also,  professional and Well-Designed Slides Correct.  Use of Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation

Detailed Instructions


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