Detailed Instructions


Child maltreatment, Child protection, Child wellbeing Questions

  1. There are broadly 5 types of child maltreatment which are (6 marks)
    1. physical abuse;
    2. emotional maltreatment;
    3. neglect;
    4. sexual abuse; and
    5. exposure to family violence.

What are some of the difficulties of defining child maltreatment? (300 words)

Child protection, Child wellbeing

  1. Why are risks and protective factors important when using a public health approach to child protection? (6 marks) (250 words)
  2. Describe 2 benefits and 2 challenges of utilising a public health approach to child wellbeing. (6 marks) (250 words)
  3. Why are risks and protective factors important when using a public health approach to child protection? (6 marks) (300 words)

Five (5) peer reviewed references for small essays. Last 10 years

  1. What is a social determinants of health (SDOH) perspective? Here you are being asked to provide a description of SDOH. (400 words small essay)
  2. What benefits does a social determinant of health perspective provide, and what are its limits? Here you are asked to provide a critical discussion of SDOH. (400 words small essay)
  3. Describe two examples of social work roles and indicate why it might be important to use SDOH in these roles when working alongside clients (400 words small essay

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