The assignment concentrates on Chemical uses weapons in Syria. Also, there is a description of effects of agroterrorism in the United States. So, analyze the means by which state or non-state actors could make or acquire this specific chemical weapon.
Chemical uses weapons in Syria:effects of agroterrorism in the United States
2 After reading this week’s course material. choose one potential terrorist group that could potentially use WMD as a weapon. This could include domestic left or right groups, jihadists, lone wolfs, or other terrorist organizations. Explain their agenda and motive. Be sure to include a description of the WMD that they might use and how this WMD would further their organization’s objectives.
Chemical uses weapons in Syria:effects of agroterrorism in the United States
3 Based on what you have learned through the course material. Also, outside academic sources, assess what particular chemical weapon. Poses the most significant threat to the United States. Analyze the means by which state or non-state actors could make or acquire this specific chemical weapon. Also, hypothesize the physiological, psychological and social impact of attack using this weapon. Additionally, consider both recent uses of chemical weapons in Syria. and the United Kingdom and how either of these methods of attack mightused in the United States.
Chemical uses weapons in Syria:effects of agroterrorism in the United States
Also, based on what you have learned through the course material and outside academic sources, analyze the impact of a specific biological weapon on a targeted population; then, analyze and hypothesize how that biological weapon would used to result in mass destruction. Note: the last portion of this forum is a position stance piece – you cannot select both – you need to pick a position and defend it (there is no right or wrong answer).
Chemical uses weapons in Syria:effects of agroterrorism in the United States
5 Based on the course material, examine the potential effects of agroterrorism, as a subset of biological terrorism, on the United States agricultural sector and economy. How significant of a threat do you view agroterrorism? What should done to protect against this hazard? 6 Often radiological bombs (referred to as “dirty bombs”) are better described as “weapon of mass disruption,” as the radiological exposure effects to any individual not in the immediate area of the detonation limited.
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