This assignment entails a discussion on Innovation Case Study Journal. There is also a description of  Challenges facing the management of innovation. So, what main learning points did you acquire from this week’s lecture series?

Innovation Case Study Journal – Challenges facing the management of innovation

Innovation case studies assignment outline


Assignment information:




Innovation Case Study Journal


Submit no more than 1,500 words (or 300 words per case study weeks 1-5) of journal responses. So, students will be expected to demonstrate a critical awareness of the wider practical.  Then, theoretical contexts of the innovation themes introduced in the first five weeks of the course in their journal responses.


Each week you will address the following questions in your journal response;


  1. What main learning points did you acquire from this week’s lecture series?


  1. How has this week’s lecture series progressed your understanding of innovation theory and concepts?


  1. What key insights into the opportunities and challenges facing the management of innovation did you acquire from this week’s lecture series?




For  each week it is essential that you view the recording to critically answer the 3 questions and use guest speakers to support and key readings to support.


How to answer the questions

Innovation Case Study Journal – Challenges facing the management of innovation

Additionally, What main learning points did you acquire from this week’s lecture series?


So, for this question address the “what”- summarise what core concepts were addressed this week in your lecture.




How has this week’s lecture series progressed your understanding of innovation theory and concepts?


  • for this you must address “how” the case study examples either presented by Chris or the guest link back to your reading material.


Challenges facing the management of innovation


What key insights into the opportunities and challenges facing the management of innovation did you acquire from this week’s lecture series?


  • In this section we would expect you to critically review the opportunities. Then,  challenges facing the core theme or case studies presented that week.


The focus of each week:


Week 1: Creative destruction and Covid-19


Week 2: Aggregation of marginal gains.


Then, Week 3: Frameworks and blueprints in business competition


h\TheWeek 4: Innovation across industries and markets


Week 5: Ecosystem – Sustainable and predatory growth

Detailed Instructions


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