The assignment focuses on Cerebrospinal fluid leakage in olfactory groove tumour. So, provide Case report and analysis of cerebrospinal leakage in olfactory groove tumour and micro pituary adenoma

Cerebrospinal fluidCase  leakage Case Report- olfactory groove tumour

Case report and analysis of cerebrospinal leakage in olfactory groove tumour, micro pituary adenoma, meningoenchepalitis and grade 1 meningiomaPaper details: Firstly, make a Case report and analysis of the fluid leakage in olfactory groove tumour, micro pituary adenoma, meningoenchepalitis and grade 1 meningioma. Secondly, base on the file I attach, make an introduction that showing the aim of the study, the importance of this study and the novelty of this study. Thirdly, make a case description base on the file I attach. Fourthly, make a disccussion about comparison of the four cases that I attach in file that I attach. Also, make a conclusion base on the aim of the study and tha case reprot that I attach. Use Vancouver System to write down the refferences system.

Cerebrospinal fluid leakage Case Report- olfactory groove tumour

A 48-year old man presented with progressive chronic headache, decreased visual acuity (VA) in both eyes (worse in left eye), loss of sense of smell, and personality change in the past 7 months prior to surgery Physical and neurological examination findings included frontal lobe syndrome, right eye VA of 1/300, left eye VA of 1/~, and anosmia. Pre-operative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a 5.7 x 5.5 x 6.7 cm lesion in frontal-basal region, isointense in non-contrast T1-weighted sequence, which enhanced homogenously with contrast. From T2-weighted and FLAIR sequences, the lesion appeared to be iso-hypointense, which correlated with the solid nature of the lesion. A diagnosis of olfactory groove tumour made, with meningioma became the pathology most considered. A sub-frontal craniotomy performed, and gross total removal of the tumour achieved and confirmed through postoperative CT

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