The assignment focuses on Cells and their characteristics-Georgia Standards of Excellence. Also, define a “unit” as a specific topic that we have covered over one weeks’ time.

Cells and their characteristics-Georgia Standards of Excellence

Cells and their characteristics. (5th grade). Firstly, constructing and complete a lesson plan on a whole unit from this course. In this particular assignment we will define a “unit” as a specific topic that we have covered over one weeks’ time. You can choose one of the three topics below.You must also use the provided lesson plan template. The grade levels that you will teach this topic to are included in parentheses out to the side. This will help you in reviewing the Georgia Standards of Excellence as well.As a general rule of thumb, assume you are creating a unit lesson plan for one full week. This means that each day you will need to indicate what you will be doing with the students, in detail. How will you be covering the material? What activities will you do?

Cells and their characteristics-Georgia Standards of Excellence

How do you plan to assess their knowledge of the topic? You do not need to include the whole assessment, but please give a brief description of the assessment (for example: exam, 10 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions covering these topics: x, y, z..) Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE Standards) GSE Standards – What students need to learn at each grade level 1) Open your web browser, search “Georgia Performance Standards” 2) Choose (or just enter that into your browser). 3) Click on “Science” on the left of the page, then access the K-5 standards by choosing the appropriate grade-level under the heading STANDARDS K-5. 4) There may be multiple sets of applicable standards to the grade level. For example, 1st grade has 7 general science mind-related standards, followed by content standards in Earth Science (2), Physical Science (2), and Life Science (1). 

Detailed Instructions


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