This assignment focuses on the Causes of poor communication. Also, analysis the effects of poor communication on the construction industry. So, outline the causes of the selected communication barriers in the construction industry

Causes of poor communication-effects on the construction industry

Aim: The aim of the paper is clearly identify possible causes of poor communication, and their effects on the construction industry through the examination of the relationship between failed communication and project failure within projects, preferably in the United Arab Emirates. Objectives: • Identify the main types of poor communication in project management • Outline the causes of the selected communication barriers in the construction industry • Identify possible effects for the given communication barriers • Describe methods of assessing the degree of impact of the barrier on the project progress • Conduct a Barrier Frequency analysis • Analyse the Degree of impact of the barriers • Also, analyse the correlation between the causes and effects of failed communication in different construction projects in the United Arab Emirates.

Causes of poor communication-effects on the construction industry

Communication is a fact of life, especially in the workplace, where teamwork, technology and remote work are increasingly common. For a business to thrive, meet deadlines and exceed goals, solid communication systems and relationships must be in place. Some communication barriers: • Improper communication time management • Language/ cultural barriers • Technical/technological issues • Poor planning • Incurrence of medium between different hierarchal levels • Speed of flow of communication in relation to project progress • Complexity of project/ misunderstandings in project brief • Poor relationship/ lack of trust between different parties • Gender • Misleading communicated information.

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