Write A Summary on Problem Set 5: Causal Effect of Police on Crime. You must turn PART I separately from the PART II. of the case Due October 29 PART I. 1. A researcher plans to study the causal effect of police on crime. Also, define the variables as following: cRate=crime rate per capita and PoliceSize=size of the county’s police force.
A Summary on Problem Set 5
Instructions: Firstly, this problem set is due at the beginning of class on October, 29.
Secondly, you must hand-in hard copy of your homework.
Thirdly, if your homework is completely type (including equations), then you will receive up to 10% of extra credit. You cannot earn above 100% on a homework. However, ensure you work well to get full score and deliver on time.
Fourthly, each part of every single question is worth 10pts and must be covered well to receive all the marks.
Fifthly, you MUST show ALL of your work to receive full credit. Problem Set 5: Causal Effect of Police on Crime
Finally, you MUST turn PART I separately from the PART II. of the case Due October 29 PART I. 1. A researcher plans to study the causal effect of police on crime, using data from a random sample of U.S. counties. Also, he plans to regress the county’s size of the police force on county’s crime rate (per capita). Moreover, define the variables as following: cRate=crime rate per capita and PoliceSize=size of the county’s police force. Also, write down the population model. b) Would you expect the effect of of crime to heavily affect the community or government.
read more on A Summary on Problem Set 5: Causal Effect of Police on Crime here
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