The assignment concentrates on Castle Slaves of the Eighteenth Century. Also, there is a description of Sites of slave trade in west Africa. So, you are required to focus on the architectural structuring of the slave trade sites in west Africa and a little bit of the history.

Castle Slaves of the Eighteenth Century – Sites of slave trade in west Africa

The essay should focus on the architectural structuring of the slave trade sites in west Africa and a little bit of the history. my sources can used but add two other sources you think would help. It should also include a 250 word abstract summarizing what the research paper is about. This article examines the development of the institution known as ‘castle slavery’. That is on the Gold Coast (West Africa) in the era of the transatlantic slave trade. It places the lived experiences of castle slaves within a comparative Atlantic World. Also, context and argues that castle slavery bore significant resemblances to forms of creole elite slavery. It also explores the particularly complex roles of female castle slaves in the daily life and operation of European-trading posts in Gold Coast towns.

Castle Slaves of the Eighteenth Century – Sites of slave trade in west Africa

On the coast of modern-day Ghana during the eighteenth century. The European slave trading companies representing England, Holland and Denmark claimed legal ownership. Over a group of men, women and children referred to variously as ‘castle slaves’, ‘company’s slaves’, ‘committee’s slaves’. Also, ‘service slaves’ (trainslaven, in Dutch1 ).

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