The assignment concentrates on Cash flow management practices of Senegalese SMEs. Therefore, explore the methods that targeted SME leaders implemented in their cash flow management in order to make it more efficient

Cash flow management practices of Senegalese SMEs

This research examines the cash flow management practices of Senegalese SMEs. Also, its consequences to determine effective cash flow management for SMEs in Senegal. The objective of this research is to explore the methods that targeted SME leaders. Implemented in their capital flow execution in order to make it more efficient and to achieve long term sustainability. The targeted population was the business leaders in three small and medium sized companies. They have demonstrated that they have successfully managed cash flow in their firms for a period longer than 5 years. Unfortunately, the findings are very descriptive, illustrating something that well known from the literature. (cash flow is important), but not providing the answer to the main research question (how cash flow need to managed).

Cash flow management practices of Senegalese SMEs

Thus leaving the purpose of the research unclear. Therefore, only chapter four needs to adjusted and describing how cash flow should managed. Up-to-date information is crucial to the success of your business, especially in the area of accounting. Information concerning who owes you money, how long they usually take to pay, and how much they are likely to spend with you will have a huge impact on how your business orders and pays for its stock or raw materials.

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