Lyme Disease assignment-cases of nosocomial infections in u.s.Write how the disease  transmitted, what is the portal(s) of entry and, where does it cause problems in humans body.

Lyme Disease assignment-cases of nosocomial infections in u.s

Write about Lyme Disease…minimum of six paragraphs (topics need to  written in the order given): 1. So, mention the organism(s) that cause the disease. 2. Pick the most common organism that causes the disease and tell: Classification, organism’s habitat, general characteristics, and virulence factors. 3. Also, Write how the disease  transmitted, what is the portal(s) of entry and, where does it cause problems in humans body. 4. Also, Signs and symptoms 5. Diagnosis and treatment 6. Epidemiology: include cases in U.S. and/or where is mostly present, who gets affected (kids, women, men, all), and if there are  cases of nosocomial infections or not and why. 7. Then, Prevention. **works cited page, MLA format, “make it interesting.

Lyme Disease assignment-cases of nosocomial infections in u.s

The epidemiology of human communication is a rewarding and challenging field. Also, much of the data that epidemiologists collect comes from self-report—from answers provided by  people participating in a study. For instance, an epidemiological study may collect data on the number of people who answer, “Yes” when asked if someone in their household has trouble hearing. Besides, each person providing such an answer may interpret “trouble hearing” differently. So, this means that the results of such a study may be quite different from a study in which actual hearing (audiometric) tests are  administered to each person in a household.

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