The assignment focuses on Pantene Case Study- marketing strategy for Pantene. Also, conduct a Market Research for Pantene, what are the summary reasons for decline in market share

Pantene Case Study- marketing strategy for Pantene

Pantene Case Study. Individual Assignment: Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Case study on Market Research for Pantene. Referring to the given case, Nielsen: Market Research for Pantene, what are the summary reasons for decline in market share of Pantene? What marketing strategy do you propose for Pantene to reclaim lost market share? APA format ,more than 1100 words(Not counting references) First PDF file”Pantene” is related to this case study The rest are PPTs related to this subject”Marketing Strategy”Growing a business isn’t easy. First, you need a viable idea. From there, you need to discover a profitable niche, define a target demographic and have something of value to sell them. Whether you’re peddling products, services or information, getting the word out has become increasingly burdensome. And without the right marketing strategies to fuel your growth, churning a profit and staying afloat is virtually impossible.

Pantene Case Study- marketing strategy for Pantene

However, identifying the right strategies to market your business is often likened to rocket science. How do you get your message to the right audience and do it effectively? How do you boost visibility and increase sales while sustaining a profit with a converting offer? The truth is that what got you to this point in business is likely not going to get you to the next level. If you’re feeling stuck, join the fray. Most entrepreneurs are so busy working “in” their businesses that they fail to work “on” their businesses. As a result of dealing with the day-to-day operations of a company that includes customer hand-holding, supply-chain demands and more, we often neglect to wield the right marketing strategies that will help fuel our business’s growth.

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