Case requirement
Simply work with the information provided in the case and develop your paper based upon that information. It isn’t necessary to formally cite case facts in writing your papers. In some cases where the information about what happened is public I’ll share that with you. I’m most interested in you developing your thoughts and opinions based on the situation presented in the case.
1. The process used by LA in selecting its 3PL provider
2. The length of the agreement
3. The financial aspects of the agreement
4. The processes to be used in evaluating the performance of the 3PL
5. Whether this was a good agreement for Laura Ashely.
Please please read the whole case before you write, no outside sources required, but definitely read the case!
*Must answer following questions (question 1-5), thank you!
Supply chain of business background preferred.
Here is the guideline for case, it might be helpful.
Written Case Guidelines
In preparing written case analyses, you should focus on the managerial decision to be made. Choose a course of action, and explain your decision-making process. Be specific. Do not spend much time summarizing the basic facts of the case. I am looking for your ideas to address the situation. The written cases should be no more than three pages in length, plus exhibits. All written cases are to be typed, double-spaced with normal margins in 12-point font. All written cases are due at the beginning of class on the day the cases are discussed in class. Please staple the cases. The papers will be graded not only on content, but also on structure and clarity. The cases are to be completed on an individual basis. Late cases will not be accepted.Do not submit case solutions from the web. Doing so will result in an F for the course.

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Simply work with the information provided in the case and devel appeared first on Assignmentio.