The assignment focuses on Canada’s Food Guide-Healthy eating recommendations.So,the paper requires you to provide a critical reflection describing your own thoughts and opinions about the new Canada’s Food Guide.You can access the new Guide from the Health Canada website.

Canada’s Food Guide-Healthy eating recommendations

This assignment requires you to provide a critical reflection describing your own thoughts. As well as,opinions about the new Canada’s Food Guide. You can access the new Guide from the Health Canada website. A link to the Food Guide has been provided here: your research, please describe what you feel are the two (2) most positive attributes about the Food Guide.Please provide an explanation for each point you make citing references appropriately.Then, describe two (2) areas where you feel the Food Guide falls short or is lacking.Again, make sure you provide a clear explanation as to why you feel this is the case.

 Canada’s Food Guide-Healthy eating recommendations

Then, discuss why it’s important for nursing students to know about the food guide. Identify two (2) ways the it can be a useful tool for you as a nursing student when working with patients in a hospital or community setting.Make sure you start your paper with a well positioned and organized introduction that briefly highlights the main points you will be discussing (1 paragraph). Summarize your paper with a brief recap of your overall impression of the the same.This assignment will be no more than 5 pages (not including a title page or reference list), double-spacedusing Arial 11 point font with 1” margins. Please include a title page with the following information: title of your assignment; your full name (first and last name); course title and course code; date submitted; due date, and instructor’s name.

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