. Cover letter.

2. Calculate the experimental Shear Strain at each position (hint L). Show one sample

calculation for each specimen.

**Remember ( is in radians!

3. Calculate the experimental Shear Stress at each position. Show one sample

calculation for each specimen.

4. For each specimen tested, prepare a one table listing: Material, Specimen Length,

Position Length, Specimen Diameter, Applied Torque, Measured Angle of Twist,

experimental Shear Stress, and experimental Shear Strain.

5. For each specimen tested, plot (using a computer) the experimental Shear Stress (t)

(y-axis) vs. Shear Strain (y) (-axis). Clearly indicate the shear modulus, G, on your

graphs. (Note: Plot positions one and two on the same graph, using points, use the

trendline function to determine the shear modulus. This should yield ONE trendline

for ALL data points.)

6. Choose one (1) torque (i.e. 150 in-1b) and plot the average angle of twist (y-axis)

as function of the length (varying L, x-axis) for each specimen. Specify what torque

you choose. (Graph all three specimens on same graph.)

7. Conclusion. Compare the experimental shear modulus to the theoretical shear

modulus. State percent difference/error (round to 2 decimal places) and explain the

discrepancy, if any (i.e. sources of error, etc…).