The assignment deals with Bullying Among Children with Learning Disorders.So,Your task this week is to locate two new peer-reviewed articles that describe research that contributes to theory in your topic area and critically assess them. 

Bullying Among Children with Learning Disorders

Your task this week is to locate two new peer-reviewed articles that describe research that contributes to theory in your topic area and critically assess them. Topic 2: Bullying Among Children with Learning Disorders. Therefore, Use the sections and questions below to help you critique each article. Besides, You do not need to answer every single question as some questions might not apply. The questions are listed to help you generate ideas as you evaluate each article.

Bullying Among Children with Learning Disorders

1. Introduction. Give an overview of the problem or issue discussed in the study. Also, explain the purpose of the study, any hypotheses, method and design, as well as conclusions. o However, keep in mind that the focus of this assignment is your critique. The introduction section of this assignment should not be more than a page. After you have written this section, it might help to reread the article with a more critical eye focused on inconsistencies or limitations.

Bullying Among Children with Learning Disorders

2. Evaluate problem or issue discussed.Additionally, Consider whether the problem  clearly described. Did the author(s) document and support the existence of the problem with scholarly sources and data? Were the sources credible and relevant (as defined by the readings you’ve done for this course)? 3. Evaluate literature reviewed. o Examine the literature reviewed by the author(s). Have the author(s) cited only relevant literature? Do certain ideas or concepts appear to be over/underemphasized? Was there any bias in language or tone of the writing? Do you think there are any discussions that need elaboration or maybe could be more concise? Is there a clear theoretical framework? 4. Evaluate methods. o Are the methods described with enough detail so that a reader could duplicate the research process if needed? 

Detailed Instructions


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