The assignment concentrates on Building regulations in the United Kingdom. Also, there is a review on Construction Codes. So, you are required to research a range of different construction codes and produce a short written report.

Building regulations in the United Kingdom – Construction Codes review

Firstly, you are to research a range of different construction codes and produce a short written report. Secondly, selects construction codes to review, investigate codes from other cities for comparison. You should aim to review at least three different construction codes. Aim to gather and present the following information. Thirdly, how easy is the code to locate? Provide the weblink. Also, in what format is the code presented? Also, is the code accessible and easy to understand? What are the main areas of construction regulation? Are there any elements that differ between codes? I would like you to analyse the following Building regulations:

Building regulations in the United Kingdom – Construction Codes review Also, analyse Fire safety code B 2- Building Code New York, USA. Available at : Construction-codes-updates. Also analyse CHAPTER 12 INTERIOR ENVIRONMENT. 3- United States Access Board 

The International Building Code, Section 107 outlines the process by which the building official reviews and approves the submitted construction documents. The following outlines the process to implemented for the University. Firstly, Initial Review A PDF file, bookmarked with sheet information. Construction documents and project manual is to submitted to the Project Manager. They will forward them to the Office of the Building Official.
Secondly, code Review Comments. The building official or his duly appointed agent will provide code review comments for the Initial Review of the construction documents. These review comments will returned to the project manager. The Project Manager will forward the comments to the consultant for response.

Detailed Instructions


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