Brooks and zombie metaphor- real-world social concern

Brooks and zombie metaphor- real-world social concern

Objective: Argue how a metaphor exists for a real-world social concern. In other words: Show me what a zombie means. Required Sources: World War Z and at least 1 scholarly article Outside Sources: Any scholarly article from JSTOR or Google Scholar Throughout the course, we have studied the issues, challenges, and questions that life in American in the 2000s has created, and we have looked at millennial writers to see what voice they bring to this conversation. We are now reading someone a bit older than the other authors and falls into Generation X, not the millennial.

Brooks and zombie metaphor- real-world social concern

While this is a zombie novel, it is really a social critique of life in the early 2000s.  So we are going to look at why Brooks uses the zombie to discuss issues of contemporary life. In a 6 page essay in full MLA format, you will argue how the zombie is a metaphor for one (and only one) larger social concern in American society. What does this mean? You need to show me how the zombie is not just a monster but rather a larger metaphor for a society-effecting (or society destroying) issue like disease, climate change, technology, etc. Remember to focus on just one metaphor. To do this, you must use evidence from World War Z to showcase how zombies are portrayed and how we can read them metaphorically as the personification of a problem in our own society.

Brooks and zombie metaphor- real-world social concern

As part of this assignment, you must also cite at least once from a scholarly source from JSTOR or a scholarly publication from the library. It is relatively easy to find material on the subject (seriously, just type zombie into JSTOR and you’ll find a few things), 

Detailed Instructions


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