The assignment concentrates on Blog Development and engagement Essay. Besides, there is also a review on Communications and Media. So, Focus on critical engagement with arguments.

Blog Development and engagement Essay – Communications and Media Review

Description. Firstly, each blog will be about attached readings. Secondly, the seminar guide for the module asked you to base your blogs on the following format: Firstly, “Blogs should identify ONE key argument from the reading that you found useful. Secondly, ONE example or piece of evidence that you found interesting. Also, your blog should explain why you find these interesting in relation to your own research interests. In relation to your own experiences.” To give some more guidance, the aim of the blogs was to test two key skills. First, identifying key arguments in academic texts and paraphrasing these arguments for your own purposes with relevant quotation.

Blog Development and engagement Essay – Communications and Media Review

Secondly, applying these arguments to examples of your own choice. Either drawn from the reading or from your own experience/research. To show your ability to understand the analytical potential of arguments from academic texts. These two core skills will also be what we assess in the finished portfolio. • To expand your chosen blogs from 200 words to 500 words, try to do more than simply extend what you had already written. We want to see evidence of your progression on the module from your original blog entries to more thoughtful and evolved short essays. This could take the form of adding a second complementary or contrasting argument from an additional academic text and/or it could take the form of adding an additional example.

Blog Development and engagement Essay – Communications and Media Review

It could also involve you developing the example analysis further. If you used an example from the reading, try adding one you’ve found yourself. There is no blueprint for what we are expecting. The main thing is to show us that you have spent time thinking carefully about what academic arguments from the reading you have found interesting and compelling, and why, and what use you think these arguments can be put to in analysing media examples. We will be assessing how much thought you have put into selecting your arguments and examples. Try to avoid simply summarising. Focus on critical engagement with arguments and critical analytical application to examples.

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