This assignment focuses on Black in Latin America book review by Henry Louis Gates 2012. So, get to know your book: clearly establish what kind of book is this one and the author’s background.

Black in Latin America- Henry Louis Gates 2012 book review

A Book Review is not a Book Report. While the latter is an external description of a book the former is a critical evaluation (internal) of it. Your review should have two basic goals: (a) to inform the reader about the content of the book, and (b) Secondly,  to provide an evaluation of the book’s quality. For this course you have to write reviews of the following books:

·         Ross Hassig, Mexico and the Spanish Conquest, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press; Second Edition, 2006. [Due date: October 28]

·         Henry Louis Gates, Black in Latin America, New York University Press, 2012. . [Due date: December 18]

In doing so you should have in mind the following steps:

Black in Latin America- Henry Louis Gates 2012 book review


·         Get to know your book: clearly establish what kind of book is this one and the author’s background.

·         A careful reading of the introduction of the book: there you will find the objectives of the book and the questions/issues addressed by the author as well as the story of the book or other important methodological aspects.

·         Take notes as you read. Notes will help you to remember everything you were thinking or feeling as you read the book. Notes remind you of why your change in feelings happened.

·         Pick out what you think is the main idea of the book.. So, the main idea is the focus of the story. Your job is to determine whether or not the author’s idea is good or groundbreaking in some way. Also, Do you agree with the idea? Does the author support his/her idea well?

·         Finally, Write down any quotes that stand out to you. Grasp those few lines of the book that you think summarize the work well, support a theme or argument, or is a good example of the author’s style.

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