The assignment covers the Big Bang Theory episode-commercial media’s profit-driven ideology. So,after watching the episode you choose you will write a critique exploring the extent to which the episode adheres to the commercial media’s profit-driven ideology.

Big Bang Theory episode-commercial media’s profit-driven ideology

TV Critique Instruction.  Please choose ONE show and ONE episode ONLY from that show: Choose one of the following: Seinfeld, Friends, Blackish, Little Mosque on the Prairie, Modern Family, Big Bang Theory, Frasier. Each of these shows is easily accessible through multiple streaming sites. After watching the episode you choose you will write a critique.  Exploring the extent to which the episode adheres to the commercial media’s profit-driven ideology. In other words, explain how the network’s profit motives compromise what has wound up on your TV screen. (To compromise means to accept standards lower than one’s expectations). For example, does the episode rely on easy humour or “easy laughs” to generate safe and expected humour?.  In order to make your argument, you will need to refer to the article by Richard Butsch located in course readings.

Big Bang Theory episode-commercial media’s profit-driven ideology

In the article, Butsch explains how profit motives influence the kinds of stories found on network television shows. Be sure to support your argument with a detailed analysis of the episode you watched. (You may also if you feel they help you make your argument, refer to other aspects of the course material.) Your critique’s thesis should answer the assigned question.  (i.e. how has the episode been compromised as a result of the producers’ efforts to satisfy the network’s profit motives?). The critique must support the thesis with a detailed analysis of what happens in the episode. In order to steer you away from making a bad argument, I recommend that you do not exclusively focus on any of the following: (1) Whether the show’s characters are “relatable.” Most storytellers, regardless of profit motives, want to create relatable characters so using this as a FOCUS is redundant: we expect relatability. 

Detailed Instructions


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