The assignment focuses on Battle from WW2- Historical Event assignment. Also, you required to identify what military resources required in concert with possible civilian resources to accomplish that sequence of actions within given or requested resources

Battle from WW2- Historical Event assignment

Operation/Campaign or Battle from WW2 (Historical Event) .Firstly, write an analytical/research paper on a historical event .Secondly, analyze a historical event from the perspective of the operational art & design concepts and terms from chapter IV, JP 5-0. Thirdly, do a Joint Planning and/or other appropriate joint doctrinal publications. The paper should not read as a history paper or summary of the historical event. Below are key items that should be answered in your paper. Firstly, What is the state of the Operational Environment? Secondly, what is the enemy and friendly Center of Gravity? Thirdly, what were the military objectives that determined termination criteria and end state? (Ends) Fourthly, How did planners approach the problem? Fifthly, How did country X’s military leaders apply operational art during the campaign or operation? Sixth, what are the Lines of Operation? What are the Lines of Effort? (Ways)

Battle from WW2- Historical Event assignment

Seventh, what was the defeat/stability mechanisms used? Eight, What military resources required in concert with possible civilian resources to accomplish that sequence of actions within given or requested resources? (Means) Nineth, what is the chance of failure or unacceptable consequences in performing that sequence of military actions? How will I identify if one or more of them occur? What is an acceptable level of “failure”? (Risk).Also, Choosing the 10 most important events in history is one of the most difficult and controversial things to do. Why? Because history is more than a few hundred years long, and there is way too much bias in most lists. I’ve attempted to create a list without that bias that manages to touch on the major events in history that ended up shaping the world. Some of the events were huge, yet impacted only a continent or two.

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