The assignment concentrates on Practical laboratory setting- basic anthropometric measures. Also, You will be expected to use this data to develop a data handling proforma.

Practical laboratory setting- basic anthropometric measures

This piece of coursework will assess your ability to carry out basic anthropometric measures in a practical laboratory setting, collate the data, present the data in a succinct way using relevant graphs/tables and interpret the data appropriately . Specifically, this coursework will focused on anthropometry. You will participate in a practical session during which height, weight, skinfolds and girth data will collected for all students on the module. Following the practical session, the data will emailed to each of you. You will expected to use this data to develop a data handling proforma. The proforma should be no more than 1000 words (excluding tables/ figures/references) and will require the following sections: 1. Introduction This section should discuss the importance of measuring body composition and discuss normative values for each of the measures calculated: BMI, Waist: hip ratio and percentage body fat.

Practical laboratory setting- basic anthropometric measures

These normative values should considered separately for males, females for different age groups. You should reference any material derived from books/peer reviewed articles. 2. Methods This section should outline how data collected. It should explain the procedure for measuring height, weight, skinfolds and girth data and the subsequent calculation of BMI, waist: hip ratio and body fat percentage. A section should also included explaining who the participants were and the gender split. You should keep in mind that this section needs enough detail to allow the reader to replicate what you have done. This data will then used to calculate BMI, Waist: Hip Ratio and body fat percentage

Detailed Instructions


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