Utilize Thompson, Arthur. Crafting & Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases. Available from: Purdue University Global Bookshelf, (22nd Edition). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US), 2019 as one source.


10 pages Use the Greater Memorial Baltimore Hospital


Choose an award-winning company from the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program website to study. You will evaluate the “Award Application Summary” as a business case. You are the director of strategic planning and business intelligence for your chosen company. You have conducted an evaluation of your chosen company for an upcoming annual report. Your presentation of a strategic framework to expand operations into the international marketplace has been tentatively approved. You have submitted a plan of action for implementation of your strategy to the C-level executives for consideration. As a follow-up to your action plan, the C-level executives require a proposal that outlines internal management operations and organizational culture guidelines for the expansion effort into your chosen international market. Use the following criteria to compose the proposal.

Assessment Part 1 Requirements:

  • Explain what strategic planning is and why it is important to a company by giving practical examples and synthesizing strategic management theories, principles, and concepts using research (read Chapters 1 and 2 in your textbook).
  • Identify and present an opportunity for your chosen company to expand into an international market. You can search international markets using the Global Edge website. Conduct additional research on the company website or using the Purdue University Global Library. Consider expansion ideas such as the creation of a new product, demand for an existing product, creation of a grant-funded foundation, development of a subsidiary, etc. Be creative and innovative.
  • Explain the importance of appropriate resource allocation to strategy execution to ensure the success of the company expansion into your chosen international market (read pages 323–325 in your textbook).
  • Explain the importance of policies and procedures to the effective facilitation of strategy execution to ensure the success of the company expansion into your chosen international market (read pages 325–327 in your textbook).
  • Compose three policies that are imperative to the successful implementation of the company expansion strategy into your chosen international market (see the ebook Writing Exceptional Policies and Procedures found in the Purdue University Global Library). Explain why these policies are important.
  • Determine how process management tools can be used to drive process improvement in the performance of value chain activities of the company expansion effort into your chosen international market (read pages 327–333 in your textbook).
  • Explain the role of information systems and operating systems in enabling company personnel to carry out their strategic roles proficiently throughout the company expansion effort into your chosen international market (read pages 333–335 in your textbook).
  • Develop incentives that can be a powerful tool for promoting adept strategy execution throughout the company expansion effort into your chosen international market (read pages 336–342 in your textbook).

Assessment Part 2 Requirements:

  • Explain how to instill the key features of the company’s corporate culture and the role of the company’s core values and ethical standards in the expansion effort into your chosen international market (read pages 347–354 in your textbook).
  • Explain why the company’s culture is important to proficient strategy execution in the expansion effort into your chosen international market (read pages 355–359 in your textbook).
  • Explain the kinds of actions management must take to change a problem corporate culture if there is a conflict in the expansion effort into your chosen international market (read pages 359–362 in your textbook).
  • Determine what constitutes effective managerial leadership in achieving superior strategy execution in the expansion effort into your chosen international market (read pages 363–367 in your textbook).
  • Develop a business letter as a follow-up to persuasively present your proposal that outlines internal management operations and organizational culture guidelines for expanding the company into your chosen international market.
  • Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed, academic research resources (including your textbook) to substantiate your critical thinking and to provide viable reasoning for your perspectives.
  • Apply proper APA style citation and reference format.
  • Use headings to segment the topics in your writing in order to create a flow of ideas for your reader.
  • Write in third person to develop your business report.

Use the many theories and concepts learned from Chapters 9–12 of your textbook, along with additional research resources, to complete this assessment. Use strategic management and leadership knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors you have acquired to deliver an informative and persuasive report to the corporate leadership of your chosen company