This assignment concentrates on Awareness of parties’ positions and also, whether tuitions fees affect vote choice. So, design: between-subject design (Control group and treatment group contain completely different people) Priming or framing (both are possible, provided justification)

Awareness of parties’ positions-tuitions fees affect vote choice

Does awareness of parties’ positions on tuitions fees affect vote choice?
So, you need to use RSTudio. Research question: does awareness of parties’ positions on tuitions fees affect vote choice? At least 5 academic literature Justification: policy-making, issue-voting, relevant, interesting Hypothesis: receiving information about the parties’ positions on tuition fees will affect vote choice, but only among the less wealthy (Socio-economic background,) Experiment: Dependent variable: on a scale from 1 to 5. Also,  who would you vote for? Design: between-subject design (Control group and treatment group contain completely different people).While,  Priming or framing (both are possible, provided justification)

Tuitions fees affect vote choice

Treatment: 2 treatments. 1 manifesto statement, 1 social media posts by party representatives Control: received no treatment (version 1 of survey) Trade-off; More internally valid than external (but even then with caution) Target population: university students in the U.K. Sample population: students at RHUL N of observations: 226 Assignment of people to treatment: randomisation Representativeness could be more representative with larger N from other institutions, but adequate. Analysis Mean of the DV: 2.448113 Mean(pr2000$votechoice, na.rm=T).

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