The paper focuses on the|Auteur theory Analysis-director’s technical competence. Therefore, Introduce and define auteur theory, making sure to address its origin and its usefulness (or lack thereof—if you disagree) in film criticism.

 Auteur theory Analysis-director’s technical competence

Your Week 3 Assignment should follow close to this outline to meet all the requirements of the prompt in a clear and substantive way. Though this outline suggests five sections, each body paragraph section can be broken into multiple paragraphs. So to thoroughly examine and express your ideas.

I.                    Introduction

·         Introduce and define auteur theory, making sure to address its origin and its usefulness (or lack thereof—if you disagree) in film criticism.

·         Introduce your chosen director and the two films of this director that you will use to support your argument. Also,  Briefly summarize the ways in which these films meet the criteria established by Andrew Sarris in Film: From Watching to Seeing. (Note: all film titles should be placed in italics). 

Auteur theory Analysis-director’s technical competence

·         Compose a thesis statement that argues the importance and purpose of auteur theory. Also, framing your chosen director as an example of this theory, and how the two films you’ve selected from that director’s oeuvre are exemplary of the criteria that comprise the basis of auteur theory

    Body Paragraph(s): Technical Competence

·         In this paragraph, you might address the importance of technical competence in relation to what makes a film good (or, occasionally, intentionally not good).

·         Use examples from each of your chosen director’s two films that demonstrate said director’s technical competence. Be sure to break down the various elements that clearly establish the technical competence in these films.

·         Elaborate on specific techniques and the craftspeople who execute your chosen director’s vision, such as the cinematographer and editor. Does your chosen director rely on the same people film after film? Also,What are the hallmarks of their technical style?

Detailed Instructions

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