The assignment talks about Assessing Performance Outcomes in Marketing. Also, there is a description of Advanced marketing strategy. Therefore, develop a theory-based performance evaluation framework. 

Assessing Performance Outcomes in Marketing – Advanced marketing strategy

Firstly, please read Katsikeas, Morgan, Leonidou, and Hult (2016) in their article. Secondly, evaluating production Outcomes in Marketing propose a model of Marketing-Performance Outcome Chain. Also, critically discuss the model using appropriate theory, concepts and examples.  Additionally, evaluating production Outcomes in Marketing. Research in marketing has increasingly focused on building knowledge about how firms’. Marketing contributes to performance outcomes. A key precursor to accurately diagnosing the value firms’ marketing creates is conceptualizing and operationalizing appropriate ways to assess performance outcomes.

Assessing Performance Outcomes in Marketing – Advanced marketing strategy

There has been little conceptual development. Also, no systematic examination of how researchers in marketing should conceptualize. and measure the performance outcomes associated with firms’ marketing. The authors develop a theory-based performance evaluation framework. Besides examine the assessment of such performance outcomes in 998 empirical studies. They published in the top 15 marketing journals from 1981 through 2014. The results reveal a large number of different performance outcome measures. Used in prior empirical research that may be only weakly related to one another, making it difficult to synthesize findings across studies.

Assessing Performance Outcomes in Marketing – Advanced marketing strategy.

Online marketing refers to promoting your services and products on the internet platforms. For you to have a successful venture into the online business, I can say it all depends on your target market, products and services you offer, and amount of money or time that you will invest in it. Marketing has a common aim of getting client traffic to your business site. Through the online marketing techniques, you can be able to attract more leads to your company’s site, and I can guarantee you that your business will flourish.

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