This ART 104-01 History of Photography assignment entails an analysis of Dorothea Lange case study. So, your paper will describe, analyze, and explore the meaning and significance of their photographs.

ART 104-01 History of Photography – Dorothea Lange case study

ART 104-01 History of Photography

Professor: Marisa Sottos

Photographer Research Paper Assignment Sheet

Objective:Write a 3-5 pageresearch paper on a photographer. Your paper will describe, analyze, and explore the meaning and significance of their photographs. Yourthesis can vary, but it must examine 3 or more examples of the artist’s work. You can discuss how their personal life impacted their work, how their work fits in different art movements etc. You can take a more abstract approach and discuss how the artist and their work impact the viewer. What I’m looking for in your papers is an interesting perspective, knowledge of the artists and their works, and how they connect to your thesis.**Once you selected a photographer, you must submit your choice for approval**Structure:3-5 Pages MLA

ART 104-01 History of Photography – Dorothea Lange case study

FormatTimes New Roman 12pt Double SpacedIn-text Citation and Bibliography Page requiredFor full credit, please cite at least 3 sourcesInclude images of the artwork you’re discussing in your paper after the bibliography page o***these do not count toward your page number goal***Please remember to include your full name and the course title.Do not forget page numbers!!! (no page number on first page)READ YOUR PAPERS!Check for grammatical, spelling errors, and clarity. MLA Format

ART 104-01 History of Photography – Dorothea Lange case study

Resource: The paper should be in your own words. Be sure to develop your original thoughts and explain them clearly and thoroughly. I encourage you to reach out if you’re struggling. I will gladly review rough drafts during office hours before the due date within reason. (not a week before the due date!)Tips: Remember to break your thoughts down to the core elements of the work. Sometimes the simplest aspects of a work are what strengthens and reveals its overall message. Be sure to choose an artist that gives you enough content and resources to write about.

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