The assignment focuses on Case study vignette-applying the APA Code of Ethics. You are also required to create a hypothetical cultural or social consideration.

Case study -applying the APA Code of Ethics

Firstly, submit Milestone Three of your final project. In this milestone, apply the APA Code of Ethics to your chosen case study vignette and expand the outline of your final case study analysis paper you began in Milestone Two. For elements 5 and 6, you will list and define each principle and standard in an organized fashion. You will then emphasize (highlight, bold, or summarize) which principle and standard could be at question in your case study.

Case study -applying the APA Code of Ethics

Secondly, For element 7, you will make a statement discussing the cultural and social considerations in your case. All cases have considerations of this kind, but they may be less obvious in some case studies. Fourthly, you may also choose to create a hypothetical cultural or social consideration. (e.g., What if a language barrier were present in your case study vignette?) for your case if you do not think it has one.

Case study -applying the APA Code of Ethics

Thirdly, the APA  Principles Firstly, Identify and define all five principles. Secondly, highlight, bold, or summarize all that might apply to your case study vignette’s ethical conflict. Thirdly, justify why highlighted or bolded principles apply to your case study vignette’s ethical conflict. Fourthly, the APA Code of Ethics Standards. Fifthly, list and define all ten standards. Highlight, bold, or summarize all that might apply to your case study vignette’s ethical conflict c. Justify why highlighted or bolded standards apply to your case study vignette’s ethical conflict. Finally, Statement of Culture and Social Orientations in the Case Study You are adding to the document.

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