The following assignment about AIMS2710 Excel Assignment and Applied Information Management Systems is vital. It highlights information on Applied Information Management Systems. thus, consider 2019 MICROSOFT EXCEL ASSIGNMENT DATE DUE: TUESDAY, November 12, 2019 Instructor: Kenneth Summers. So, Open the Excel file called Bonus.xlsx. Save the file to your USB drive and name it LastnameBonus. So, if your last name is Balaban your file name would be BalabanBonus.

AIMS2710 Excel Assignment: Applied Information Management Systems

Firstly, AIMS 2710 – Applied Information Management Systems Fall 2019 MICROSOFT EXCEL ASSIGNMENT DATE DUE: TUESDAY, November 12, 2019 Instructor: Kenneth Summers 1 | Page 1) THIS ASSIGNMENT MUST BE COMPLETED ON A PC, NOT A MAC. 2) Open the Excel file called Bonus.xlsx. Save the file to your USB drive and name it LastnameBonus (i.e. if your last name is Balaban your file name would be BalabanBonus).

Go the Employees worksheet and create a formula in the YearsWithCompany column, cell G2. Hence, that calculates the number of years . Thus, the first listed employee has worked for the company. This needs to be in whole round numbers with zero decimal places. ( i.e. If someone asks you how old you are, you don’t say 20.9562, you just say 20 – okay. Then, maybe you’d say “I’ll be 21 in a few days – Vegas, Baby” . You get the point.) 4).

AIMS2710 Excel Assignment: Applied Information Management Systems

Finally, fill down this formula in column H to apply to the rest of the employees. 5) Go to the AnnualBonus worksheet. 6) In cell C3, use the Data Validation function to create a drop down list of all the employees from the Employees worksheet. Also, use the following Input Message: 7). Use the VLOOKUP function in cells C5, C7 and C9 to populate those cells with the correct data when the employee name is selected from the dropdown. 8). Then, Create formulas in cells C11, C13 and C15 that will show the correct amounts when the employee name is selected from the above dropdown.

Read more about AIMS2710 Excel Assignment: Applied Information Management Systems here.

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