1)A specific issue across the lifespan – for example transgender or autism or impact of divorce
2) A topic within a specific developmental stage across different groups – for example adolescence or Alzheimer’s across cultures or countries

1)Integrates one or more lifespan theories appropriately
2) includes current research (minimum of 5 journal articles post 2005)
3) Applies theory/research to clinical applications
4) eaningful contribution to the knowledge base of learner and field
Addresses diversity issues, including at least two of the following: international, cultural, gender, sexual identity and orientation, SES, religion, disability. If the topic is a diverse group, then bring in at least one other diversity perspective.

Quality of Writing
1)Logically organized and meaningful flow, cogent, concise – not redundant or rambling
2)10 double-spaced –excluding cover page and reference page
3)Well-written, with no misspellings or grammatical errors
4) References within body of paper and in reference list use appropriate APA style

*American journal articles written within 5 years.
*structure clear
*clarify clear
*American English and American Journal articles written with 5 years